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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Good News from ME~!!!

Hi everyone!
I have good news for the world...
My teacher said.... "N I C E W O R K" for my lovely blog
I feel, I will be big lover of this blog.
sapphirebluespace is an addictive blog.
Actually, I think it was good work too.
Wasn't it?
If you think that it wasn't good, leave a comment.
Don't worry, i don't eat human. ^-^

Thursday, January 15, 2015

I'm on Holiday~~

How is your holiday going? I hope, it's good. My holiday is very good. Now, I'm in İstanbul and staying at my grandparents home.İstanbul is so hot. Sun always shines. I was in Konya last week. When we arrived Konya, i fell in love. Because the streets are so large and there are a lot of parks. I was  exhausted so I can't see all details. We stayed Konya for 1 day. I didn't sleep at all. I was soooo sleepless. We went to hotel. Konya is very big, so we couldn't find hotel first. When we found, i changed my clothes and I went with my friend. My friend name is Serra and she lives in Konya. We met on the Net and became closer day by day. Actually first, my parents were against this meeting. But God helped me and they said "YES!". Anyway, we hug so friendly. We talked about first meeting. It could be fantastic but I didn't sleep and I was shy. But Serra was so talkative. What a girl! I love her very much. She gave me special gifts, but i didn't prepare enough. My gift was tiny. Still, I'm so sad because of that. We walked, talked and left. It was a great meeting. I wasn't great but she was. I went back to hotel. My mum and sisters were shopping, they called me. And i went and joined them. We hanged around. And we went back hotel. I a bit slept. After, we went to the Sema. It was fanstastic show but I said i didn't sleep and i slept at show. We backed hotel again. We slept and woke up. In the morning, we had a breakfast. And we went to İstanbul. Actually, in İstanbul, we are just resting. It isn't boring. Tomorrow will be the same as yesterday. I wish all my holiday will be like this. Thanx for reading. 


Dear Syra;
What's up? I wish you are okay. Your gift was so cute and made me so happy. I'm so grateful. When I opened your gift I thought "She is too good to be a human." You may be an angel. Your letter for me in the journal was special. I felt so special because of you. I can't help myself reading it again and again. My bday was so simple. My mum made a big cake - It was so delicious. My parents and my sister sang bday song. They gave me my gift. It was laugh. Because the hide my gift and I remembered my childhood. hehehe~ But my other sister and brother weren't here. I felt deficient a bit. I forgot to tell!! My family prepared a photograph album for me. It's my bday gift.
I'm looking forard to meeting again with you. I love you. And thanx again.
PS: I always support you. I believe, you will do your best in university exam. Good luck!!
(I wrote as a birthday girl.)

Hi guys~!

  Hi everyone!
  I'm PinkPanda from Turkey.
  My nick is PinkPanda because I'm big fan of Apink. 
  Dear Apink haters, please don't bother yourself to come this blog.
  Anyway, I like K-pop. 
  Thanx for reading.
  Plz love Apink.
  Note: I love B.A.P too. I'm not a Baby. But dear B.A.P haters, please don't bother yourself to come this blog too. Kisses xoxo