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Monday, August 22, 2016

All My Days are Day6

Hi~~ What's up? It's so hot these days and arm pit hahah I had a Korean friend (I said 'had' because she doesn't talk with me. I think she is bored of me ahah) we were talking about weather is so hot. And sweating. She told me about arm pit and ask do i know. I said 'of course, I've a memory about that.' And i told her. I'll tell you, too.
It happened one year ago. It was Sport day. Actually i don't like phys.ed but I like rivaly and teamwork. And what we played was inclued them.( My poor English..) You can do anything to opponent team, there is no rule. You can kick them etc.. Only one aim to do, protecting own mast and touching the other team's masts. It looks so easy right? My team member told me that protect the mast. It was a basketball mast, so I was hugging the mast. We wanted to win, we could do everything for be winner. Finally, the game started. Everyone was so ambitious. I was reclining the mast and kicking who come's to me, I feel like Jackie Chan. It was fantastic. A boy was so close to touch my dear mast. I wanted to hinder him, I kept his arm. It was wet. His arm pit....Omg, I forgot all the things, all my ambitious, my team. I smelled my finger.... They smelled sour, teamworks sweat. I washed my hands so hard. But still I can remember that smell.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Change is Good

Hi everyone~ Really long time i didn't write anything. But i always check the visits. And sometimes there was so many visitors. Oh hey, please show sign of life like comment me. Or just read it, i don't care >_<  There are so many changes in my life in this year - really big, huge! - but that is the most exciting hahah.. That's exactly.... exactlyy.....