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Tuesday, August 04, 2015

A(pink) Planet: Word Cloud

Hi guys~~ Still samee!!!! I've not found true word... Sorry guys, your boring panda came back..... Whatever. I won't introduce you a series, or talk about my babes... Today, I'll talk about a site. I was searching some new blog additions and visited a site incidentally!
Thanks God!

When I first saw, I knew nothing. Still, I don't know much. You don't know much, too right? Because of my unclear words. Now, the hardest thing is using English. Then, first I'll paste link. click click If you're a blogger, user of tumblr etc. It will make you happy! It looks cutie!!! Still, don't know right? Then, it's time to show my commonly used words!!
                                                           That's my (a)pink planet!! 
                                 Wait! Why "my" is always big? It feels like selfish!! Please!! 
Am i selfish? "My series taste" "My pink girls" "My husband" WTF?!
Um... I wo't use "my" anymore!!!
I'll be more careful........ Sorry....... for..... my..... selfish..... heart.... Still my!!!! Ah whatever...That's all! My all inspiration has gone really!!!! Oh... I remembered a series when say inspiration. Did you watch "Shut Up: Flower Boy Band"?
Lee Min Ki... His inspiration girl... I hate her anyway!!
His inspiration girl and her boyfriend... Go to the hell!!! I'll introduce this series, promise!! 
Don't forget Min Ki.
Love Apink
Pink Panda 
#LeeMinKi #WordCloud #ShutUp #FlowerBoyBand #Apink 

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