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Thursday, September 03, 2015

Did You Join?: First Questionnaire

Hi everyone!! Today, I'll declare pinkiepunku's new. Ah... Did you see it dear? Really? Really? Didn't you?

Stop joking. Then, I'm talking about questionnaire. I did a questionnaire. Really cutie. 

How a cutie blogger! I just want to know Who did the best comeback. 
Let's analyze the result.
Thanks God!! 
I really wanted to join it. But I have to be honorable! Then, Girl's Day has done the best comeback. Actually, I really like too. Ring ring ring ring my bell!! And, thanks for join it. I'm really thankful. 1 participant is enough to finish a questionnaire. Then, everyday Girl's day!!!!!

Luv Girl's Day and let's do it 1.5 milion!!
After this madness, I understood that I'm still a kite blogger. But that's ok (it's love hehe) Then, I'll try to be mature. 
Thanks for joining.
Luv Apink.
Pink Panda
#RingMyBell #winner #questionnaire #join #Shame
 #GameOfThrones  #Apink #PinkPanda 

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